Allan Poe's
The Raven
TV Video
David DeCoteau
Matthew Jason Walsh
Rick Armando,
Graeme Richards,
Traverse Le Goff,
Ivan Botha,
Joy Lucelle De Gee, Andre Velts, Justin Mancer, Colin Sutcliffe
R, 81 minutes

Jacket Love Story
David DeCoteau
Rondo Mieczkowski
Sean Tataryn,
Christopher Bradley, Geoff Moody, Hector Mercado, Stephen J. McCarthy,
Erin Krystle, Craig Olsen, Mink Stole, Nicholas Worth, William Butler
85 minutes
Michael D. Klemm
Posted online, June 2009

Many queer critics
think it's a good thing that our movies are branching off into more mainstream
genres. Does this have to include slasher films? History has shown
that most of these movies require no thought. Put a bunch of horny teenagers
into an old dark house or a summer camp, let them get killed one by one
by a masked killer with little or no backstory, allow the virgin to survive
at the end. Straight filmmakers have cornered the market on this already,
can't we come up with something original? Mindless splatter flicks
are no less mindless just because they feature gay beefcake rather than
topless women.
brings us to a recent film by low-budget horror schlockmeister, David DeCoteau,
entitled Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven.
DeCoteau is an out director with an eclectic filmography. His credits include
The Brotherhood and its homoerotic vampire sequels, two of the Puppetmaster
movies, 1988's Sorority Girls In The Slimeball Bowl-A-Rama,
and a not-bad 1997 borderline-porn romance entitled Leather Jacket Love
Story (which will be discussed later). One of his latest is Edgar
Allan Poe's The Raven, a beefcake horror film that has nothing
to do with Poe's classic poem. It was produced for here! TV. |
group of 20-somethings gather for a party at an old dark house way out in
the English moors. Ravenwood, the huge manor, is seen from a distance as
an atmospheric matte painting that looks nothing like the house that our
partygoers drive up to. The soiree is being thrown by Roderick (Rick Armando),
a spoiled ivy league graduate who thinks it would be fun to hold a big masquerade
ball on the 50th anniversary of a mass killing. Ravenwood was the site of
another costume gala in which scores of guests had their throats slashed
by a robed figure wearing a raven mask. A traumatized young boy was forced
to witness the carnage. The house is said to be cursed. |
of Roderick's friends arrive early, only to get murdered by a man in a
black robe who is wearing a raven mask. (Cue scary music here.) The others
arrive. Roderick seems shaken when Drake (Traverse Le Goff) shows up.
Drake and Roderick are former collegiate lovers, and each holds a longtime
grudge. Old hostilities come out into the open while, in the meantime,
each of the guests are dispatched one at a time by the maniac in the mask.
is no different from your typical formulaic slasher flick except that
it tries to channel those stylish 1960's Roger Corman Poe flicks with
Vincent Price (which also barely resembled Poe but at least retained some
connection). This Raven
fails to satisfy on every level. It sports a ludicrous and sometimes incoherent
script, and let's not even talk about the acting. There is no suspense
or big scares. It doesn't help that most of the characters are such blank
ciphers that you don't care when they get eighty-sixed. The music is overdone
and signals every killing before it happens - which is each time some
guy in his underwear wanders off alone.
Horror film fans
who want to watch creatively violent and gory slayings will feel
robbed and most of the appearances of the killer are almost funny because
of that absurd bird mask. At one point I found myself thnking about Howard
the Duck. Those who are watching it for the beefcake will get their fill
but have probably seen better. The gratuitous sexual interludes, a big
staple of the genre, are even more gratuitous than usual. Unfortunately,
these are so vanilla that they will probably put most voyeurs
to sleep. Some nice kissing though.
Quite honestly,
The Raven isn't even a good
guilty pleasure like here! TV's erotic vampire series, Dante's Cove.
You know you are watching a bad horror film when the body count escalates
and you haven't even jumped once.
missing is a good payoff at the end. The script vainly attempts to inject
some depth by including some bad Merchant
Ivory-styled flashbacks of Roderick and Drake's ivy league days. We
actually see them run hand-in-hand in slow motion, and they are briefly
depicted as Leopold and Loeb
wannabes. The cinematography tries to create mood by emulating the camera
angles from films like Robert Wise's 1965 The Haunting, but even
Stanley Kubrick couldn't infuse any life into this dead screenplay.
This has to be one of the most boring and unfrightening horror flicks
this reviewer has ever seen. Finally, aside from the bird mask and a few
verses from The Raven that are droned on a cellphone by the killer,
there is no connection whatsoever with Poe and it has always annoyed me
when filmmakers attach the famed writer's name to the titles of their
otherwise unmemorable movies.
To be
fair to the director, DeCoteau is capable of showing some sensitivity
on the screen and this is evident in his 1997 film, Leather
Jacket Love Story. This low budget, black & white film is
a mixed bag but satisfies on many levels. Compared to The Raven,
Leather Jacket Love Story seems like it was directed by Ingmar
Bergman. |
(Sean Tataryn) is 18 and wants to be a poet. Bored with his libidinous best
friend Ian's endless pool parties and clubbing, Kyle moves out of his mother's
house in the San Fernando Valley and moves to the artsy community of Silver
Lake. Once there, he becomes a regular at a bohemian coffee shop and is
befriended by a trio of drag queens who act as a Greek Chorus throughout
the film. He also meets Mike (Christopher Bradley), a 29-year old construction
worker in a leather jacket who looks like rough trade. Fully aware of being
cruised by the young poet, Mike almost pounces on Kyle and, before long,
they are enjoying marathon sex that lasts until the sun comes up. The next
morning, Kyle asks Mike if he will help him pick out a leather jacket of
his own. The budding wordsmith establishes a new look and a new identity. |
then a little drama sets in. Kyle isn't happy when he discovers that Mike
is a big time flirt and indulges an open relationship with his long-term,
older boyfriend, Sam (Hector Mercado). It is clear that Sam reluctantly
tolerates his younger lover's insistence on having extracurricular adventures
and that this is a cause of friction between the two. Their screentime together
is heartfelt, and provide the film's most honest and realistic moments.
Mike is a likable rogue and the actor seems so natural in the part that
it's very easy to be won over by his charm. Kyle is confused by the mixed
signals he receives from his new leather-clad lover but he is also plainly
in love. |
Jacket Love Story's
grainy B&W photography is effective and works in the film's favor, giving
it a gritty and old fashioned feel like an old Route 66 episode.
Some of the early attempts at humor, mostly involving numerous drag queens,
are a bit forced (and at times annoying) but things improve significantly
as soon as Mike enters the picture. The director seems like he was just
having fun during the early scenes; otherwise why else would he use music
that invokes Leave It To Beaver when Kyle's mother tells him not
to "let those tops push you around" before he leaves home to seek his muse? |
is also quite an explicit film and viewers will certainly not be bored by
the sex scenes between Kyle and Mike, (not to mention a lengthy interlude
in a back room), nor will they be disappointed by the ample displays of
Mike's impressive penis. Leather Jacket Love
Story gets a few more points for Sam's lengthy 40th birthday
party which takes place in a rough trade leather bar. The leather scene
is played for laughs in too many movies and it was refreshing to see leathermen
celebrated in a queer film for a change. An interlude in which Mike talks
Kyle into getting his nipple pierced is both humorous and informative. A
subsequent episode is both sexy and scary when Mike handcuffs Kyle and the
naive poet is suddenly scared by the fantasies he had earlier (while having
a wank) in which he was strapped to a cross and whipped by the older leather
stud. |
contrast between the leather men and the drag queens is a nice touch, especially
since we seldom see both communities sharing the screen together. A few
stereotypes get turned upside too when the trio of drag queens rescue Kyle
from a gang of gay bashers. Writer Rondo Mieczkowski also has some fun with
the coffee house poetry underground. I liked the older poet who advises
Kyle to write about what he knows. This was following a delicious scene
in which the poet overly emotes during the reading of his sexually explicit
poem, "Tired Sphincter Boy," after which Kyle is disappointed that the poem
wasn't the author's "polemic against a corrupt American value system."
Give the director another gold star too for casting John Waters veteran,
Mink Stole, as the mistress of the coffee shop. |
is by no means a great film but it is a very pleasant and honest one that
does a terrific job examining the dynamics of an open relationship and the
effects on each member of the triangle. It's a tad goofy in spots but its
strengths outnumber the flaws. Some of the 50's sitcom-ish music makes it
clear that the director wasn't taking himself too seriously and this actually
adds to the likability factor. Before I first saw Leather
Jacket Love Story, a few years ago, I had wrongly thought
it was just soft porn with a minimal plot. The explicit sex works in this
movie, and the black & white cinematography helps to give these scenes
more of an artsy feel. Unlike many other films, I found none of the sex
gratuitous and even felt that these scenes furthered the plot in much the
same way that the sex did in Bertolucci's Last Tango In Paris. |
of the film feel spontaneous and this adds to the appeal of Leather
Jacket Love Story, making this a far better movie than
you would think. It is for this reason that I wish the director didn't
waste his time on stuff like The Raven and made more films like
this one instead. Still, I thank The Raven for prompting me to
watch Leather Jacket Love Story
again. This, by the way, is a great date movie for those who want to get
laid. And for those who are interested - which means probably every gay
man who watches it - check out the 30 minutes of erotic outtakes.
Bradley appears briefly in:
Stole appears briefly in:
Flirting With Anthony