The Mormon Proposition
Reed Cowan, Steven Greenstree
Reed Cowan
Dustin Lance Black
Spencer Jones, Tyler Barrick, Fred Karger, Gavin Newsom, Bruce Barton,
Emily Pearson, George Takei, Liz Towne, D. Chris Buttars
R, 80 minutes
Michael D. Klemm
Posted online December, 2010

The Mormon Proposition,
a scathing documentary by directors Reed Cowan and Steven Greenstreet,
exposes the Church Of Latter Day Saints' involvement in the passing of
California's Proposition 8, which banned gay marriage in that traditionally
liberal state.
As every
gay person in America knows, (unless they've been living under a rock),
the California Supreme Court ruled, on June 16, 2008, that same sex couples
could legally wed. The gay community's euphoria was short lived as "Christian"
and Conservative groups, with way too much time on their hands,
leapt into action. Secretly led and funded by the Mormon Church, using
the newly formed National Organization For Marriage as a front to hide
their involvement, these pious homophobes gathered the 1.1 million signatures
needed to get Proposition 8 on the 2008 ballot. They raised and spent
an obscene amount of money to achieve their goals and were, unfortunately,
successful. Ironically, on the same day that America elected its first
African American President, voters in California embraced bigotry and
enacted anti-gay legislation. So much for equal protection under the law.
by Milk screenwriter
Dustin Lance Black, 8: The Mormon Proposition
does an admirable job tracing the money trail and the cover-ups perpetrated
by this unholy alliance. Mormon-born director Reed Cowan's original aim
was to document the thousands of homeless gay and lesbian youth throughout
Utah, primarily in Salt Lake City. While this sad reality is still revealed
in the third act, the research that uncovered the Mormon Church's involvement
in Prop 8 was so damning that it became the film's focus and took center
a mix of narration, news footage and talking heads, the filmmakers present
the information clearly and concisely. A series of leaked memos are periodically
displayed on the screen with the pertinent facts highlighted. In 1996,
the Mormon Church (again hiding behind a coalition of other organizations
so that their involvement might go un-noticed) began an attack which eventually
overturned a Hawaii ruling that allowed gays to marry. A memo, uncovered
by activist Fred Karger (the founder of Californians Against Hate and
a specialist in investigating dirty politics) revealed that the Mormons
had, by then, already chosen California as being "very ripe for a successful
ballot initiative." They repeated, and refined, the same tactics in California
that they used in Hawaii. It was a long and carefully orchestrated campaign,
more than a decade in the making.
A series
of broadcasts are shown wherein the church hierarchy commands their flock
"to support the proposed constitutional amendment by donating of your
means and time to preserve the sacred institution of marriage."
(Never mind that the founders of this religion were hounded across the
country in the 1800s for practicing polygamy.) Several ex-Mormons come
forward to explain that "means and time" is part of a vow they take to
defend the church and forward its mission - and that they will lose
their eternal salvation if they do not keep that promise. They also
explain that Mormons believe that the church's leader, or "Prophet," is
literally in communication with God, and that there is no doubt in their
minds that a command from the Prophet is a command from God.
church Elders then proceeded to intimidate their members. We learn that
some church members were visited by a Bishop who told them the exact amount
they can "afford" to give to Prop. 8, and then waited for the check to
be written. They were threatened with excommunication if they failed to
comply. Huge contributions poured into California as families, like sheep,
obediently dipped into college and retirement funds. Church members were
instructed to make phone calls, write blogs, post on Facebook and Twitter,
and go door to door. Deceitful, and expensive, commercials were aired
that exploited the idea of "religious freedom" and children being in danger
if gay marriage wasn't overturned. (The clips shown from these extreme
"Duck and Cover" commercials would be comical if the stakes weren't so
high.) Mormons make up 2% of California's population but accounted for
71% of their campaign contributions.
of the most deplorable things about all this is the way that the Mormon
Church cowardly tried to hide their involvement. The usual missionaries
were told not to dress in their typical "uniforms," when they proselytized
door to door, so that the average Californian wouldn't associate them
with the Church Of Latter Day Saints. One commentator refers to the Mormon
Church as "the man standing behind the curtain that you weren't supposed
to see."
a human side to the story, the film returns often to (amongst others)
Tyler Barrick and Spencer Jones, two young Mormon men who were amongst
the first to get married on June 16, 2008 in California. Ironically, both
of these men are descended from one of the Church's founders. Several
hateful e-mails they received from family members stated that they didn't
support their union and that they gave money to Prop. 8. "I never felt
the slap of inequity like this," one of them says. "Society saying that
you are not as good as the rest of us. We are not first class citizens,
straight people have more rights." When Prop 8 passes, the images of grief-stricken
gays are devastating.
The Mormon Proposition,
as is to be expected, does not paint a flattering portrait of the Church
Of Latter Day Saints. Yes, it is clear whose side the filmmakers are on
but this, in my opinion, is not a fault. The Mormon Church broadcasts
that mobilized their flocks are deliberately presented as ominous looking
low-res television images that make the speaker resemble an Orwellian
Big Brother. Night photography transforms the Mormon headquarters in Salt
Lake City into a Gothic house of horrors.
I had
to watch this film in two sessions. By the time Prop. 8 passes, at the
film's mid-point, I was so angry that I had to turn the film off for an
hour before my head exploded. When I returned, I was momentarily entertained
by Fred Karger's post-election day investigation which generated a lot
of bad press for the Mormons when their involvement was revealed. Highlighted
memos show how the church tried to hide, and then minimize, their contributions
to Prop 8. We see demonstrators chanting "Tax the Mormon Church" and,
if there was any justice in this world, the church's tax exempt status
would be revoked for their meddling in politics (they have good lawyers).
Meanwhile, the viewer is treated to a number of choice quotes from Mormon
elders like "Homosexuality is an ugly sin, repugnant like adultery and
incest and bestiality. They carry the death penalty under Mosaic Law"
(Spencer W. Kimball, Mormon Prophet) and "The only way [to stop them]
is for the Lord to wipe them out." (George Q. Cannon, Mormon Apostle.)
A current Apostle tells Mormom youth that it is "better to be dead
than to be a homosexual."
when I thought I couldn't possibly get any angrier, I learned that Utah
has the highest suicide rate in the world, more than some countries,
and that a huge percentage of them are gay youth. We see a number of teenagers
living on the streets and in squalor. Young Mormon gays speak of being
disowned by their parents and being told that they are not really
gay; they are only being "tempted" and that God said they can be "fixed."
This, of course. doesn't work. Consider, for example, the "epidemic" of
suicides at the Mormon-owned Brigham Young University.
Barton, a former student at Brigham, comes forward and describes a scene
right out of the nightmarish conditioning undergone by Alex in Stanley
Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange. Barton's name was on a list of 12
suspected homosexuals and so he was brought into a room and told to strip
naked. He was given medicine that would make him vomit while gay pornography
was projected on the wall and he was called names like "cocksucker."
For his final session, he had electrodes strapped to his wrists, his chest
and his genitals. He was given a button to push every time he saw an image
on the wall that he thought was sinful, or that he liked. If he didn't
push the button, they would push it for him. He speaks of a man who
refused to follow their orders and had that button pushed so many times
that he became sexually dysfunctional for life. Two of men on the list
disappeared from the campus while several others committed suicide. Barton
also tried to take his life.
what do the Mormon leaders have to say? All of them, surprise surprise,
refused to interviewed for the film. We see a few spokespersons, in newsreel
footage, trying to spin things their way by saying things like "Homosexuals
are intolerant" because of the boycott of Prop 8 supporters. One
insists that gays are not a protected class like Blacks or Jews.
The worst spokesman we hear is Republican Utah Senator, and former Mormon
leader, Chris Buttars (the one person who did grant an interview,
a decision he must have rued ever since). This is a man who was once vilified
for saying on the Utah Senate floor: "This baby is black. This is an ugly
thing." He claims that gays are the greatest threat to the world
today. Not terrorism, not hunger, not global warming, gays are
the greatest threat. When called on the carpet by reporters, he refused
to apologize for his hateful comments.
back in the human race, Gavin Newson, the Mayor of San Francisco tells
of a young girl who hugged him and thanked him for giving her two Mommies.
this film preach to the choir? Of course it does. Like the documentaries
of Michael Moore, it was made for a pre-selected audience but - also like
Moore's best work - it exposes societal wrongs on a grand scale and it
is hoped that it might change peoples' minds. Is it one-sided? That is
a matter of debate, although in this reviewer's opinion there is nothing
one-sided about championing human rights and exposing illegal and oppressive
behavior that is destructive to segments of the population. Nevertheless,
this film has been accused of not being fair to the Church of Latter Day
Saints but, since high ranking church officials refused to be interviewed
for the film it isn't like they weren't given a chance to state their
side of the story. The interview footage with unrepentant, bigoted Senator
Buttars pretty much says it all, doesn't it? The U.S. Constitution protects
free speech but the line should be drawn when the exercising of that right
takes away the rights of others.
theory, a documentary should be objective and, in actuality, this film
does explain Mormon dogma and how gays supposedly interfere with
"God's plan" that allows them to happily fornicate in polygamous relationships
in the afterlife. Is this reviewer being biased? Well, yes, and
I make no apologies if this review is turnng into an Op-Ed piece. I am
a gay man who is tired of hearing that his 22 year committed relationship
is not "legitimate." We're talking about people's lives here. This country
was founded on a separation of Church and State. Churches are not supposed
to meddle in politics and those that do should lose their tax-exempt
status because they are no longer a church at that point, they are a political
organization. Do we want these groups seizing enough power to impose their
standards of morality on the country? We've already seen what happens
when groups try to legislate morality - just look at that damage wrought
by Prohibition. We don't want a return to the Dark Ages with church-run
Inquisitions. Love the sinner and hate the sin is their mantra but, just
to be safe, let's also make the sin illegal.
The Mormon Proposition is an excellent and thought provoking
documentary. If watching it doesn't turn you into an activist, you might
want to check your pulse to make sure you are not dead.