Douglas Langway
Douglas Langway,
Lawrence Ferbe
Joe Conti,
Gerald McCullouch,
Brian Keane, Stephen Guarino, Gregory Gunter, James Martinez, Alex Di
Dio, Sebastian La Cause, David Drake
105 minutes
Michael D. Klemm
Posted online December, 2010

culture usually gets the short end of the stick in queer movies, American
ones especially. Only two films that specifically feature bears come to
mind and both are Spanish; 2004's Bear
Cub and 2007's Boystown.
BearCity, a new film by Douglas
Langway, aims to rectify this omission. BearCity
is a fun, and really sweet, ensemble film about a group of hirsute homos
and the young newbie who becomes an eager part of their inner circle.
America usually sees gay men as well-coifed denizens from Queer Eye
For The Straight Guy and bears do not fit into that stereotype. (Not
with all that flannel!) Bears, for the most part, are a happy-go-lucky
bunch that is uninterested in the body fascism that defined queer youth
in the 90s. The stereotype of a bear is an overweight, hairy and bearded
dude who wouldn't be caught dead manscaping but, like all stereotypes,
this is a gross simplification. Bears come in all shapes and sizes, from
muscle bears to chubbies. Some bears aren't even that furry; what really
defines a bear is his willingness to accept anyone as is and love the
person inside.
will be uncharted territory for some and our guide over the rainbow is
Tyler (Joe Conti). Ty is a young actor who is keeping a secret from his
party boy roommate, Simon (Alex Di Dio) - he is attracted to bears (silver
daddy bears in particular). "Admitting that you like bears," he moans,
"is like coming out of the closet a second time." After many nights surfing
and chatting on bear websites, Ty makes his first venture into a bear
bar. Inside, Ty is recognized by the bearded cameraman who shot his audition
that afternoon. Fred (Brian Keane), who was cruising him through the whole
screen test, rescues Ty from going home with the wrong guy and then introduces
him to his entourage. Fred and his "huzbear," Brent (Stephen Guarino -
The Big Gay Sketch Show), are looking for a roommate and Ty jumps
at the chance to move in with them.
the romantic lead, Ty needs a love interest. Meet Roger (Gerald McCullouch),
the muscle bear stud who is the group's unofficial leader. When he isn't
having group sex with his hunky bowling team buddies, he's on the prowl
for fresh meat. He's also a silver daddy who is pretty damned hot. One
of BearCity's best touches
was going the opposite of Queer
As Folk's Brian Kinney when casting the gigolo - too many queer
filmmakers forget that guys in their 40s and up are sexy too. Ty falls
hard for him. When Roger gets up close to help Ty refine his bowling moves,
and their eyes meet, it becomes obvious that he is also developing
feelings for the cute newbie himself. But he also has a reputation to
keep up and, when his butch bowling buddies arrive, Roger leaves a confused
Ty behind, almost forgetting that the lad was even there. This happens
more than once. Yes, some men are ruled by their penis but Roger has to
be the most attention deficit hunk I've ever seen in a queer film. Will
Ty finally win over his daddy?
we always return to Ty's adventures, I thought the best scenes involved
Fred and Brent. The issues they face are realistic ones and any couple
who has ever discussed opening their relationship will identity with these
guys. Broaching the subject leads to hurt feelings and jealousies. The
presence of their young roommate is also creating sexual tension. As many
men do, they compromise by agreeing to a threeway. Then, of course, they
repeatedly veto each other's choices. ("No? Did you SEE
him???") When they finally do agree on a third - a very
hairy hulk who beats his fists on their chests like a gorilla - it is
the most awkward and disastrous (not to mention funniest) threeway ever
committed to celluloid. I kept wondering if Ty would wind up in a loving
triad with his burly landlords as an alternative happy ending if things
didn't work out with Roger. I'll let the audience discover how Ty's love
life develops for themselves but either ending would work.
issues are addressed in the relationship between Michael and Carlos. Michael
(Gregory Gunter) is a very obese man but Carlos (James Martinez) looks
beneath the surface and finds beauty within. Michael is unemployed, suffers
from low self esteem, and believes that gastric bypass surgery is the
answer to both problems. Carlos vehemently objects to Michael's decision
and their partnership suffers. Carlos loves Michael as he is and wants
him to be himself. An admirable sentiment but Carlos is also attracted
to big men and is being selfish in his demands. Michael's girth is, after
all, a heart attack waiting to happen. The viewer can side with either
position, depending on his sensibilities. However, it is nice
to see - for a change - a love scene where a man's weight is actually
celebrated. A film like Another
Gay Movie would play it for laughs whereas here a close-up of
Carlo's hand caressing the underside of Michael's belly becomes quite
is far from perfect but it is a very entertaining film that should please
its target audience. It's a sweet movie with a lot of heart, and a few
scenes made me melt. Many familiar stock situations from other queer indies
are repeated here but BearCity
subverts and runs with them in fresh and innovative ways. The hunk is
a silver fox, Fred and Brent smoke pot and play video games, the inevitable
makeover of Ty into a bear involves a baseball cap and a sleeveless, flannel
shirt. I've also never seen a game of bowling double as sexual foreplay
in a queer film before, and it's rare to see an autumn/spring romance
in the spotlight.
from some sappy background music that ruins a couple scenes, and an ending
that ties everything into way too neat of a ribbon, BearCity
is a satisfying date flick. Ty remarks at one point that "Bears can be
just as gossipy and superficial as the circuit queens" and so much of
this is funny. The actors were well chosen and have great chemistry together.
The dialogue is a mixed bag. Some of it is quite clever: ("I'm Ty, I'm
new." "I'm Roger, I'm used."); some of it is lame and the delivery forced:
("There's a bear on your t-shirt." "Honey there's a bear in my
t-shirt.") On the other hand, I liked the way they spoke of "stroller
meat " (hot, unavailable straight hunks pushing baby carriages). Other
examples of the film's wit include asking why it's cool to drool over
Brad Pitt but not
to have a chubby over John Goodman. When Ty asks if Michael and Carlos
play well with others, he is told that they do not; they're like lesbians
except without the drum circles.
for Peter Stickles (Shortbus)
as the HR director who is clearly repulsed by Michael during a job interview,
and David Drake (The
Night Larry Kramer Kissed Me) as the stomach doctor he visits
shortly after. Columnist Michael Musto
and the cowboy from The Village People appear in cameos at the big BearCity
party in the next-to-last act. There's probably a few bear porn stars
as extras in the bar scenes.
few review blurbs have dubbed this film a bear version of Sex In The
City. Why is it that every film or TV show with an ensemble of friends,
especially when sex is involved, is always compared to that HBO series
as if they invented the genre? Diner or The Big Chill anyone?
But these sound bites mean well and, if calling it Sex In The City
(but without all the shoes) helps draw an audience, then go ahead and
embrace it on those terms. To this reviewer, BearCity
is much more than that and breaks new ground. It's a welcome change to
see an American queer indie focus on bears rather than twinks. Bears in
the audience will respond to all the furry eye candy. There are some very
hot men in this movie and some pretty explicit sex too. "Roger's playroom"
is good for a few thrills, as is Fred and Brent's hilarious threeway with
"Uncle Mel." BearCity is a
celebration of masculinity and should introduce a new definition of male
beauty to the uninitiated. It's true that the film also has it both ways
by including Simon, Ty's twinky former roommate (to provide the fabulous
factor) but the emphasis remains on the bears.
always looking to see ourselves in the movies; I admit that I identify
as a bear and so I was happy to finally see an American queer indie embrace
bear culture. One shouldn't ask one film to stand for an entire genre
but, all in all, BearCity
delivers on its central premise to present a fun tale about bears and
their admirers. It's a feel good flick whose charms overcome its flaws,
while an appealing cast brings an all-encompasing script to life. The
film was a labor of love for all who were involved and it shows. And sometimes
that's all you need.
More on Douglas Langway:
Bear City 2: The Proposal
Joe Conti, Gerald McCullouch, Stephen Guarino, Brian Keane, Gregory Gunter, James Martinez,Alex Di Dio also appear in:
Bear City 2: The Proposal
Drake also appears in:
The Night Larry Kramer
Kissed Me
Longtime Companion
Stickles also appears in:
2 Minutes Later
Keane also appears in:
Guarino also
appears in:
An Englishman In New York