the Franklins
Idiot Entertainment,
Jay Floyd
Teresa Willis,
Robertson Dean,
Vince Pavia,
Mari C. Blackwell,
Pop DaSilva,
Zak Spears (as Khris Scaramanga)
R, 98 minutes
The Apple
Michael D. Klemm
Posted online, July 2009

The Franklins
is advertised as a black comedy that satirizes Christian Fundamentalist
bigotry and intolerance. It's an interesting film that has a great point
to make but, ultimately, gets too ridiculously heavy handed at the end.
Despite this, the rest of the film has been haunting me for days.
Franklins are a very uptight and religious Southern family. There is absolutely
no joy in their scripted lives. Betty and Frank Franklin (Teresa Willis
and Robertson Dean) have been having brief and sterile sex for years with
their eyes closed. Betty is obsessed with being the perfect homemaker and
Frank wants to make partner at his law firm. Their eighteen year old son,
Brian (Vince Pavia), is the star of the football team and a closeted homosexual
who hates himself because he has a crush on his coach. Their teen-aged daughter,
Caroline (Aviva), is a cheerleader with self esteem issues. The Franklins
are God-fearing, conformist pillars of the community. |
changes after the family survives a car crash. The daughter is left crippled
while the other three are comatose for several days. Presumably, they
have "died" and gone to the other side. Walking through a large field,
they meet Jesus, who is chopping down a large cross. When asked why he
is "committing sacrilege," Jesus calls the cross "a very, very
annoying marketing tool." The Franklins are shocked but Jesus continues
by saying "These things aren't sacred, it's a piece of wood...Of all the
things I tried to do with my life, this is how I'm remembered?
This was the worst day of my life, don't get me started!" He then pulls
a bloody apple out of the backs of each of their heads ("Don't worry folks,
you won't miss them at all") and essentially frees them from the guilt
of original sin. He tells them to lighten up and enjoy life, and sends
them back.
Mom and Dad are enjoying passionate sex for the first time in their lives
and their daughter is shocked to find both of them walking around the house
naked. Betty even walks outside to get the paper without bothering to dress
first. While they continue to keep God in their hearts, perhaps now more
so than ever, their lives no longer revolve around going through the motions
at Bible meetings and church. The parents accept their gay son for who he
is and are thrilled when he tells them he just had sex with his football
coach. Meanwhile, Caroline is bitter that she was left crippled and now
she is repulsed by her family's sudden "sinful behavior." This is nothing
compared to how the rest of the town feels. |
Religious Right will hate this movie. To be honest, I have mixed feelings
about it myself. I detested the ending while, at the same time, I was very
moved by many of the scenes that preceded it. I love films that satirize
religious hypocrisy but this one has a hard time finding its voice and striking
the right tone. It's obvious what writer/director Jay Floyd is trying to
say but his methods are, at times, a bit crude. It goes without saying that
there are many dangerous religious fanatics in this world but the extreme
actions that will eventually be taken by Betty's best friend are more in
line with the mother in Stephen King's Carrie. In order for the dark
climax to work, the film needed to be more outrageous and over-the-top like
Stanley Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove. |
there is much that is interesting in Forgiving
The Franklins and much of it is a delight. It was actually
quite touching to watch 3/4 of this rigid family discover joy for the first
time in their lives, and much of it is rib-slapping funny. The MPAA rated
the film R for "strong sexual content including a scene of aberrant intimacy,
graphic nudity, frank dialogue and some language." I'm actually surprised
that the film escaped the dreaded NC-17, but if the MPAA considers the scene
where Mom and Dad really explore their sexuality to be "aberrant
intimacy" then these people need to get themselves a sex life. (You will
never look at ice cubes the same way again.) For the film's best howler,
check out when one of Frank's law partners announces that he's going to
divorce his wife because of her lack of interest in sex and Frank asks the
man if he ever asked her what she would like to do in bed.
Frank then proceeds to describe, in graphic detail, the previous' evening's
hot sex to the horror of his colleagues. While howlingly funny, it is also
sad because it never occurred to either of his uptight partners to ever
ask their wives what pleases them. |
hilarious scene occurs at the dinner table as Brian nonchalantly shares
his ecstasy over having lost his virginity to his coach. The proud parents
are thrilled, and relieved that the coach used a condom, but express concern
that the poor man might lose his job and that maybe they should wait until
he graduates before they start dating. (The coach, by the way, is played
by legendary gay porn star Zak Spears and, surprisingly, he can act. Their
brief shower interlude is sexy and the coach does ask Brian if he
is 18.) Daughter Caroline is appalled and leaves the dinner table while
the puzzled Mother just asks, "What's gotten into her?" |
point of the film, ultimately, is that it is possible to be spiritual without
being judgmental about everything that doesn't fit into one's personal fundamentalist
dogma. When Betty's best friend, Peggy, calls their gay son an abomination
because of what it says in the Bible ("in black and white"), Dad tries to
contain his temper and replies that God provided the pen and paper but men
wrote it down. Ironically, Betty has kept secret that Peggy had an
abortion in college while Peggy, being such a "good Christian," gossips
about the Franklins' "degenerate" behavior all over town. |
As I said,
there is much about Forgiving The Franklins
that is brilliant, but this film is all over the place and I hated
the ending (it belonged in a different movie). As much as it annoys me when
the Bible is misinterpreted by small minded people, it is unfair to label
all small town Christians as being hateful and bigoted; not all
Christians are like the Reverend Fred Phelps. Still, I understand the director's
point, I just think he went a little too far. But I can't stop thinking
about the rest of the story; I was expecting slapstick ala Charles
Busch and instead found myself being very moved. The acting by all is
superb and it gave me pleasure to watch the parents lose their rectitude
and embrace the life they never lived before. This is definitely a comedy
that will make you think. Forgiving the Franklins
is a much needed reminder that spirituality is about how you celebrate life,
and treat others, and not about being the first to cast stones while being
oblivious to one's own sins. |