It Just Me?
J.C. Calciano
Nicholas Downs,
David Loren,
Adam Huss,
Michelle Laurent
Bob Rumnock
Bruce Gray
93 minutes
Michael D. Klemm
Posted online November, 2010

identities and romantic comedies often go hand in hand. Shakespeare excelled
at writing such farces and Is It Just Me?,
a new film written and directed by J.C. Calciano, is the latest in a long
and noble tradition.
(Nicholas Downs) is a young writer for a gay publication called USA
TOGAY. "Being average in a world of physical perfection is the worst
kind of gay Purgatory" are the opening words from his latest column. Blaine
is handsome but average, and painfully aware that he's not a hunk. Shy
and introverted, he has trouble meeting men, let alone finding Mr. Right.
His roommate, Cameron (Adam Huss), IS a hunk who works as a go-go dancer
at a gay club. Cameron has no problem meeting men and Blaine is
used to hearing the sounds of hot, sweaty sex coming from his roommate's
changes when Blaine meets Xander in an online chatroom. Xander (David
Loren) has recently moved to Los Angeles from Texas. He thinks all the
men he has met in LA are shallow and he, like Blaine, also wants to find
someone special. Blaine and Xander click, establishing an intense relationship
first in a chatroom and then over the phone. They have much in common
and Blaine is thrilled that he may have finally found "the one." Then
disaster strikes. After speaking on the phone for hours, they agree to
exchange photos. Blaine doesn't realize that Cameron was using his computer
earlier, without his permission, and never logged out of the same chatroom.
Before Blaine can hit the cancel button, he realizes that he has just
sent Cameron's bare-chested, pecs-popping picture to Xander. What
will his new love say when he finds out that Blaine looks nothing like
the picture that he sent?
is where Blaine goes for broke and really screws up. He asks Cameron
to accompany him when he meets Xander in person for the first time. When
he casually remarks that Xander wouldn't be interested in a guy like Cameron,
his gym rat roommate "smells a challenge" and makes a bet that Xander
would rather go for his looks than Blaine's brains. The timing,
naturally, goes wrong when they all meet and Xander leaves, while Blaine
is off getting coffee, still thinking that Cameron is Blaine. For reasons
that defy explanation, (except that Blaine has taken being a dork to a
whole new level), the deception continues until things go too far and
Blaine is terrified to tell Xander the truth. Will these two young men,
who clearly are made for each other, ever get together?
film's first half hour is charming beyond words. The courtship over the
phone between these guys is sweet without being too saccharine, even when
Xander serenades Blaine with his acoustic guitar. A burned down candle
marks how long they talk on the phone. Their shy phone sex interlude is
rather hot. We don't hear what they are saying; unobtrusive music and
deep breathing dominates the soundtrack and there are a lot of close-ups
of hands, zippers, underpants and rapturous, contented smiles.
interplay between Blaine, Xander and Cameron is interesting as the comedy
of errors escalates. Xander becomes friendly with Blaine, and even begins
to discover that they have a lot in common - but he still thinks that
Cameron is really Blaine. Meanwhile Blaine, who needs a good smack
upside the head, is unable to find the right moment to tell Xander the
truth. One night, Blaine is wearing headphones in his bedroom and doesn't
hear Xander come home with Cameron. When he does take off the
headphones, he hears a common sound - what he thinks is Cameron fucking
his latest trick. What he's really hearing is a drunk Xander vomiting
in the bathroom and Cameron helping him. When Blaine finds Xander in their
kitchen the following morning, he assumes that Cameron seduced his
man the night before.
almost an unwritten rule that romantic comedies end happily, and
Is It Just Me? is no exception. But there are a lot of
comical roadblocks until we get there. This "comedy of errors" is funny
and sweet. This is an enjoyable film but it does require a little suspension
of belief on the viewer's part. It has been clearly established that Blaine
is shy and has a propensity for messing things up, but can anybody be
as stupid as this guy? To be honest, Xander doesnŐt seem too bright either
- he should have realized immediately that Cameron is not the
main he spent two nights talking with on the phone. As for Blaine, his
family rejected him when he came out and this, no doubt, has much to do
with his inferiority complex and why he thinks everyone will reject
him. Blaine is getting it from all sides too; his editor wants a fluffier
column with less angst. An early secene sums up Blaine's luck, or lack
thereof. While typing on his laptop in a coffee shop, a very handsome
man asks him if the armchair next to him is taken. Thinking that he wants
to join him, Blaine invites him to sit down - and the man picks up the
chair and carries it across the room to sit with his date.
It Just Me?
features an attractive and likable cast, and all the leads deliver. The
same can be said for most of the supporting cast, don't let the counter
guy in the coffee shop scare you away from the rest of the film. Bruce
Gray delivers a delightful performance as Ernie, the old queen from
whom Xander rents a room. Gray was the old man whom Emmet enjoyed a brief
affair with in Queer As
Folk's second season. He's a bit annoying at first when he keeps
scolding his dog, Donatello, for "making a poo" but he turns into a great
character. "Decency forbids" his saying any more about an encounter with
Tennessee Williams,
and he cries at the end of a bad slasher movie and says it was "like Sweeney
Todd but without the music." When Xander asks him for advice about
dating writers, Ernie tells him that writers are prophetic when they're
writing and pathetic when they're with people.
from some occasionally sappy background music, and a happy ending that
was too abrupt and way too corny for my tastes, I found the film
to be a lot of fun. I suppose that part of the fun was the thing that
frustrated me the most: Blaine's cowardice and unwillingness to just go
for it. Then again, I reacted the same way to Anthony Hopkins' rectitude
in The Remains Of The Day and that, of course, was how you were
supposed to feel. Is It Just Me?
doesn't break any new ground, but it's a cute movie ala Trick
or Billy's Hollywood Screen
Kiss. It's slickly directed, nicely filmed and acted. There's no explicit
sex, like a few other films I've written about recently, but there is
plenty of the requisite eye candy. Despite one of the main characters
bening a musician, it isn't padded out with unnecessary and irritating
pop songs written by one of the filmmaker's relatives and that
goes a long way towards making this reviewer happy.
Gray also appears in:
Queer As Folk