House Films,
Rob Williams
Steve Callahan,
Matthew Montgomery,
David Pevsner
Jim J. Bullock
Brian Nolan,
Matthew Stephen Herrick
85 minutes
Michael D. Klemm
Posted online January, 2011

Williams (3 Day Weekend,
Make The Yuletide
Gay) is one of the most prolific gay filmmakers working today
and his films get better with each successive title. His latest, 2010's
Role/Play, is a love story
between two gay men on opposite sides of the ideological fence. Steve
Callahan (East Side
Story) stars as Graham Windsor, a closeted soap opera star who has
just been outed in the worst possible way - a leaked sex tape, Fired from
his longtime television gig, and hounded by the press for a statement,
Graham hides out at a private Palm Springs resort to lay low as he assesses
his options. While lounging at the pool, his desire for anonymity quickly
goes out the window when he is recognized by an arriving guest.
indie favorite Matthew Montgomery (Long
Term Relationship, Socket)
co-stars as Trey Reed, a gay marriage activist. His passion for the cause
is admirable (Graham will call him a "professional gay") but he's also
a little full of himself. A firm believer in outing, Trey berates the
actor for hiding in the closet and gloats over his misery. But - touche'
- he gets a taste of his own medicine when Graham recognizes him.
Trey is also weathering his own scandal. Trey, the poster child for gay
marriage, is in the middle of an ugly divorce. Not only that, he had an
affair! Conservative pundits are having a field day with this and the
gay press isn't being very kind either. Graham calls Trey a hypocrite,
Trey flips Graham the bird, and the bell rings round one.
audience's first glimpse of Trey is not a pretty picture when, after he
hangs up on his ex, he takes off his wedding ring and angrily tosses it
on the floor of his car. He can be a bit on the sanctimonious side and
Alex (David Pevsner), the
resort's owner, tells the activist to cut Graham some slack. When Trey
snidely asks if the disgraced soap actor has enough "closet space" in
his room, Alex insists that Graham is a nice guy, all he wants to do is
work. Trey feels bad and apologizes to Graham but within minutes they
are sniping at each other again, and the bell rings round two.
is channeling Larry Kramer (even his underwear has the words "Legalize
Gay" emblazoned on the crotch) and Graham represents everything that Trey
hates. But opposites attract as they say. Both of these men are hot and
it's only a matter of time before, at the very least, they are jumping
each other's bones. Slowly the two warm up to each other. Trey begins
to lighten up when Graham tells him that he respects the work that he
has done for the gay community. As they vent about their respective scandals,
they find that they have more in common than they first thought.
people, when they hear the words role and play, think of S&M sex games
but, in this case, it's about the difference between public and
private personas. Both men are pretending to be something they are not
- Trey played the marriage activist while his own union was falling apart,
and Graham tried to maintain a relationship while playing the network
publicity game that painted him as a red blooded heterosexual male. Some
people act one way at the office, Graham rationalizes, and another way
at home and that's the way we survive. Wouldn't it be nice, Trey asks,
if these public and private lives could be combined?
it's only rebound sex, but our lads overcome their initial animosity and
become quite enamored with each other. There must, however, be third act
drama and it erupts with the discovery that there is more to both men's
stories than we were first led to believe. These revelations deepen the
characters and I will leave the rest for the reader to discover on his
has always been a contentious debate in the gay community. One side holds
that it is every gay person's responsibility to exit the closet and be
counted, the other insists that coming out is a personal matter unique
to each individual. Others, like Graham, feel that outing is only acceptable
in certain cases. He concedes that the public needs to know about closet-case
politicians who vote against gay rights, but he feels that his
sex life is none of anyone's business.
Williams' sharp script is an indictment of the fickle way queer media
covers celebrities. Trey expected the backlash from Fox News but
is surprised at how viciously the gay press turned on him. A hero one
minute and a pariah the next. Graham points out how young gay actors are
fawned over but older established ones are ignored unless there is a salacious
scandal. Dreading how he will be smeared by some bitchy columnist,
Trey offers Graham this alternative: "You can become a professional gay.
Unfairly outed by the homophobic press, you serve as the Grand Marshall
in Pride parades all over the country, you speak out against double standards
in the industry, and then you go on a reality TV show, have someone ghostwrite
your memoirs, and do local theatre productions of Bent." Trey's
cynicism is understandable. It is his opinion that queer media is dying
because it turned its back on its own community, ignoring gay artists
while spotlighting cool straight people on the covers. "Every other niche
market supports its own," he rightly points out, "Ours doesn't."
some heavy political stuff in the movie but it also doesn't forget to
be funny. Graham informs Trey that he was offered the starring role in
a movie - a porn film called The Hung And The Restless. (Trey asks
which one he would play.) There's a running gag with Alex constantly barking
at Graham, every time that he goes swimming, that this is not
a clothing optional resort. Williams mines a lot of humor from the age
gap between the two lovers. Graham is 40 and Trey, who is in his 20s,
doesn't get any of Graham's cultural references to Dallas and Dynasty.
When Graham asks Trey if he's ever seen Whatever Happened To Baby Jane,
Trey thinks it's a TV movie about "that girl who fell down the well."
looks great. The sun-drenched resort is picturesque and the pool scenes
are breathtaking. The film moves at a good pace and the music is mostly
unobtrusive. The artfully framed interior photography compliments the
long dialogue scenes. The cast was well chosen. Pevsner plays a nice supporting
role as Alex, and Jim J. Bullock
has a blast chewing the scenery as Graham's flamboyant agent. Callahan
and Montgomery are partners in real life and their ease together is apparent.
Not to mention the chemistry. Their scenes together occupy most of the
film and they bring their characters to life. Role/Play
isn't a very explicit film but the sensual sex is still very hot.
While there isn't any frontal nudity, the camera is in love with both
of their bare backsides. A flashback to the filming of the sex tape is
far, Williams' film output has been impressive. Long
Term Relationship (2006) was a charmer about two men who are perfect
for each other in every way except that the sex sucks. Back
Soon (2007) featured two straight men whose sudden attraction
has roots in the supernatural. (Both starred Montgomery.) A cabin full
of vacationing gay friends populated 3
Day Weekend (2008), and a young man was forced to to come out
to his family on Christmas when his boyfriend showed up on the doorstep
in Make The
Yuletide Gay (2009). Each featured attractive and talented casts,
interesting scripts and good production values. This is his best film
yet. I look forward to the next.
on Rob Williams;
Term Relationship
Back Soon
3 Day Weekend
Make The Yuletide
The Men Next Door
Out To Kill
Matthew Montgomery also appears in
Long Term Relationship
Back Soon
Pornography: A Thriller
Flight Of The Cardinal
Callahan also appears in
Side Story
Make The Yuletide
Pornography: A Thriller
Abrupt Decision
Pevsner also appears in:
A Thriller
Adam & Steve
The Fluffer
A Portrait of James Dean: Joshua Tree, 1951
Old Dogs & New Tricks
J. Bullock also appears in
Circuit |