Gay Life Magazine
Toronto, Ontario
and Western New York
Home To My
Reviews: 2008
Publisher: Duane Booth

The What, Where,
& When of Gay Buffalo
Western New York
Home To My Reviews
Since 1998
Publisher: Tim Moran

Medium Rare
Directed by Franklin Lavoie
Franklin Lavoie,
Lenny Ziolkowski, Pat Cain,
John Devine, Tanya Shaffer, Kristianne Meal, Jeff Vincent,
Jeleny Rodriguez, Jeanine Giffear
MUSIC by Paul Kozlowski & Glen Szmasnki
DANCE by Folkoric Dance
Lavoie, a frequent collaborator at The New Phoenix Theatre
is a master puppeteer and mask maker, and his multi-media /
inter-disciplinary shows have proved very popular.