Gay Life Magazine
Toronto, Ontario
and Western New York
Home To My
Reviews: 2008
Publisher: Duane Booth

The What, Where,
& When of Gay Buffalo
Western New York
Home To My Reviews
Since 1998
Publisher: Tim Moran

The Seafarer
by Conor McPherson
Richard Lambert,
Tom Makar, Dan Walker,
Steve Copps, Christian Brandjes
Directed by Robert Waterhouse and Joseph Natale
winner at the New Phoenix with an outstanding cast.
The action of the play takes place in a house in Baldoyle, a coastal settlement
north of Dublin City. Howth Head (Binn Eadair) is a hill on the peninsula
which marks the northern arm of Dublin Bay. Due to its prominence it has
long been the focus of myths and legends. The setting is Christmas Eve
Christian Brandjes' devil is playing cards for Richard Lambert's soul.