(Presque Rien)
PictureThis! Entertainment,
Stephane Bouquet
Elkaim, Stephane Rideau, Dominique Reymond, Marie Matheron, Laetitia Legrix,
Nils Ohlund
98 minutes

TLA Releasing,
Benjamin Patrick, Michelle E. Michael, John Frazier, Devashish Saxena,
Ethel Lung, Denton Everett, Xiao Fei Zhao, Derik Webb, Lynn Chambers,
Chip Gilliam, Natalie Thrash, Debbie Rey, Kathleen Cole
94 minutes
of Love
Michael D. Klemm
from Outcome, February,

Romantic tales about
first love have been a mainstay at the movies since the beginning. Here,
for a change, is one that isn't sappy or sentimental. In Come
Undone, eighteen-year old Mathieu (Jeremie Elkaim) is vacationing
at the seaside with his family when he feels the eyes of a stranger, local
teen Cedric (Stephane Rideau), from across the dunes. The two meet cute
and fall in love. Their trysts are filled with hot kisses, skinny dipping
and passionate sex on the beach.
this French romance has quite an edge to it. The idyllic beach scenes
are flashbacks. A year has passed and Mathieu has tried to commit suicide
and is recuperating in a hospital. He then returns to his family's summer
home to sort out his feelings. Come Undone
is told in a non-linear style, and those who demand a plot with a defined
beginning, middle and end might find it maddening. This is not The
Summer of 42, dripping with nostalgia; director/writer Sebastien Lifshitz
aims for something much more.
their obvious passion for each other, Mathieu knows little about Cedric
and vice-versa. Mathieu was unaware that he was gay until their fateful
meeting, while Cedric has been out since his early teens. Cedric, we learn,
was once a hustler and Mathieu has emotional problems. His depressed mother
is ill, and his overbearing aunt rules the household. Throw into this
mix his self-realization and coming out issues, and you have a young man
who is a ticking timebomb.
Straight forward
love stories are a dime-a-dozen; Lifshitz concentrates instead on character,
conflict, and internal states. Muted photography in the present day scenes
alternate with sun-drenched beach memories. It is never made clear what
happened between Mathieu and Cedric, or why Mathieu tried to take his
life. But mysteries of the heart can sometimes never be explained and
the viewer is forced to fill in the blanks, making this the most cerebral
coming of age film in my memory.
doesn't mean that Come Undone
isn't filled with eye candy and amour. And, like many European films,
this one isn't afraid to show our young lads having sex. In fact, it's
quite explicit in this regard. The two young leads are attractive and
their chemistry together is authentic. Aficionados of gay cinema might
recognize Stephane Rideau from the French classic, Wild
Reeds, where he played a similar role. Come
Undone balances joy with tragedy, and captures the ecstasy
and confusion of first love without resorting to melodrama. It is beautifully
filmed and acted, and transcends what is often a very puerile genre.
is proof that you don't need a mega-budget and stars to make a compelling
movie. This ensemble piece by writer/director Yen Tan expertly intertwines
the stories of five different gay men and women who share the same birthday.
Jim is an overweight man who works as a diet pill telemarketer and is
insecure about his own obesity. Ron is a hypocrite; an ex-gay minister
who secretly watches gay porn at night. Kelly, who has broken up with
her partner, receives a call from the straight college friend whom she
once loved. Tracy is a Taiwanese lesbian who plays straight when her mother
comes to visit. Javed is a Pakistani immigrant whose life could be in
danger if he is deported. His lover, Greg, works in porn films to pay
Javed's legal bills. Each experiences a life transforming epiphany.
tales are compelling and could have sustained five feature films. Instead,
Yen Tan offers them as lean slices of life with all the extraneous fat
removed. But this cinematic shorthand doesn't compromise the drama. Each
is given equal emphasis and, like a Robert Altman film, the different
stories seamlessly flow into one another. Fully discussing each episode
would triple the length of this review. Besides, these are quiet chamber
narratives and it is best to let viewers experience the small plot nuances
in black & white, Happy Birthday
is almost a documentary where the audience is able to peer into the most
intimate details of these characters' lives. The use of unknown actors
further heightens the reality, as does the refreshing racial mix in the
cast. Though this is an American film, it feels very European. The photography
is exquisite, evoking Bergman's painterly compositions with the camera
often shooting down hallways at characters framed in doorways. This is
balanced by tight close-ups where the actors' faces are virtual roadmaps
of emotion. The minimalist piano score underscores the action without
overpowering it.
Birthday is a hearty stew of raw conflict and by its conclusion
the audience has certainly had a meal. I was greatly moved and this small
gem is highly recommended.
On Stephane Rideau:
Three Dancing Slaves
on Yen Tan:
Ethel Young also appears in