Simon Pearce
Darren Flaxstone, Christian Martin
Wayne Virgo,
Marc Laurent,
Alice Payne, Tom Bott, Garry Summers, Bernie Hodges, Christian Martin,
Louise Fearnside
89 minutes

Robert Gaston
Andreau Thomas,
Amir Darvish,
Ben Green,
J. Matthew Miller, Christian Jones, Reiner Prochaska, John Geoffrion,
Ryan Thrasher, Vincent Bradberry, Cecil E. Baldwin
100 minutes
Bit Of The Old Ultraviolence
Michael D. Klemm
Posted online, November 2009

You can't judge a
book by its cover or a film by its press release. I thought both of the
following titles would wind up being be no more than, at most, guilty
pleasures. Beefcake fests. Or porn with a plot. I was wrong.
a 2009 film by debut director Simon Pearce, from a screenplay by Darren
Flaxstone and Christian Martin, may be the most twisted and violent coming
out film I have ever seen. Repressed queer desire and violence are the ingredients
of this harrowing film, set in working class England. Cal (Wayne Virgo)
is 18 and a member of a street gang. Being gay can't be part of his street
cred and he keeps that part of him hidden from his comrades. His gang is
a bunch of violent misfits with way too much time on their hands. A typical
day involves taking lots of drugs, vandalizing property and sometimes committing
random acts of assault. The leader is a high strung queen bitch named Nessa
(Alice Payne) who lords it over her charges. Her lieutenant, kept on a short
leash, is Cal's best friend, Jonno (Tom Bott). He is a dumb stud and probable
closet case who is oblivious to how homoerotic his horseplay with Cal is.
There is an odd triangle between these three and perhaps it is jealousy
that fuels what transpires later. |
is, of course, in love with Jonno. To relieve the tension, Cal hooks up
with other men online, all the while continuing to deny to himself that
he's queer. The film opens as he is tricking, in the woods, with a 30-something
college professor named Scott (Garry Summers). Cal has Scott film it on
his phone. Afterwards, gay panic or self loathing must click in because
Cal knocks the man out and leaves him bleeding in the forest as he drives
away. Returning home, he downloads the film into his computer, puts a
picture of him with Jonno on the side of his screen, plays the blurry
video and masturbates furiously.
falls apart one day when Cal intervenes and stops Nessa and Jonno from needlessly
bashing a gay college kid. Apparently Nessa, who is suspicious of Cal and
Jonno's close friendship, just wants to watch them beat up a fag... and
then realizes that she was right about Cal when he refuses to join in. Cal
drives after the poor kid and takes him home. When he returns to his gang,
they aren't happy. No one disobeys Nessa's orders and Cal barely
escapes with his life. Having nowhere to go, he returns to the home of the
boy he saved. Good idea, because his gang is looking for him. |
is a very violent British film that plays, at times, like a hybrid of A
Clockwork Orange and Trainspotting - with maybe a little bit
of Larry Clark's Kids and Bully thrown in for good measure.
This bunch likes to film their assaults on cellphones, in much the same
way that Cal has all of his tricks film his sex acts. The senseless brutality
of the gay bashing is amplified by the use of a handheld video camera that
adds an unbearable documentary realism to the scene. The violence throughout
Shank is often almost unwatchable;
there is a rape scene that is shocking in its savagery. The antics of our
gang are a little over the top but I believe that was the filmmakers' intention
because their mischief stands out in stark contrast with the loving relationship
that develops between Cal and Olivier, the kid who was bashed. |
(Marc Laurent) is a French university exchange student. Coincidentally,
one of his professors is the man that Cal left in the forest and this man
will figure again at the end. Olivier was in the wrong place at the wrong
time but luckily he had a savior. Cal is hardly Superman but his coming
to the rescue turns out to be a life changing epiphany. The love that blossoms
between Cal and Olivier, two young men who are definitely from opposite
sides of the track, is both touching and believable. Their affair is almost
idyllic and, for awhile at least, Cal's former gang life is forgotten. |
not indulging in bits of the old ultraviolence, Shank
is a very sexy and erotic film. The sex is explicit but hardly prurient.
Sex is actually a major theme in the film. Homoerotic horseplay is the order
of the day in many of the gang scenes. This theme peaks just before Olivier's
bashing. Cal and Jonno are sitting in a car, shirtless, and smoking a joint.
Cal often gazes longingly at Jonno and, paradoxically, Jonno is sometimes
doing the same. The moment we have been waiting for almost happens when
Jonno asks Cal if he wants a "blowback." This is when one person blows the
pot smoke he just inhaled into another person's mouth. (We called these
"shotguns" when I was a teen-ager in the 70s and, looking back in hindsight,
I can't think of anything more "gay" for two straight guys to do.) As Jonno
takes a hit and then blows it into Cal's mouth, it is almost a kiss. It
is one of the film's most sexually charged moments. If a cellphone didn't
go off a few seconds later, these two stoned lads would have been all over
each other. In fact, Jonno looks troubled, and even disappointed when their
camaraderie is interrupted. |
is one of the film's ironies. Jonno appears to be in his own closet. He
has feelings for Cal that go beyond being "bro-mates" but this testosterone-fueled
thug will never admit it. His actions during the film's violent, alpha dog
climax seem to confirm this. There is also a scene in which Jonno has sex
with Nessa and, until she stops him, he initially tries to take her from
behind. Without Nessa in the picture, things might have been a lot different
and she knows it and wants Jonno to herself. |
no effort is expended to make the audience identify with Cal's gang. Nessa
is a truly detestable woman and a total sociopath. But, rather than make
her complete cartoon, a climactic revelation lays bare her chaotic motivations.
Shank is an electrifying film that competently balances the
more sensationalistic elements with a truly touching love story. While it
might seem like a more butch man would be Cal's type, it is also true that
opposites attract and his romance with Olivier will touch your heart. |
few of the gang scenes got on my nerves, and some of their dialogue is very
hard to understand - to the point where it could have used subtitles. Without
the love story, I would have tired of Shank
quickly and it is to the director's credit that the two disparate stories
and styles mesh as well as they do. Aside from the few aforementioned quibbles,
Shank is a well made and acted
film. The editing during the gang's screen time is cut up and frantic with
matching hip hop music - Eisenstein meets MTV - while the love story slows
down and is more pastoral with unobtrusive music cues, sometimes even silence. |
is always a pleasure when one expects one movie and then discovers another.
Despite the ultraviolence, this is one of the most touching love stories
I have seen this year and the forbidden affair angle only adds to the
romance. Okay, this isn't Dr. Zhivago but I was caught up in Cal
and Olivier's tale. Orpheus had to descend into hell first for his Eurydice
and Cal will also get his fifteen minutes at being a hero. This film is
sometimes ugly, but a beauty shines through that brings light to the darkness.
Shank is a bumpy ride but it's
worth it.
on Darren Flaxstone and Christian Martin
Wayne Virgo also appears in:
In Robert
Gaston's Open Cam (2005),
a serial killer is murdering young men on an internet chatroom's webcam.
Manny (Andreau Thomas ) is a hunky young artist whose boyfriends and one
night stands keep turning up dead. This one seemed destined, at first, to
be naught but a silly guilty pleasure but there is a surprisingly good story
that unfolds around all the bountiful beefcake and satisfying gratuitous
sex. |
Manny isn't working on his art, he is busy cruising Washingtondick.com for
no strings attached cyber-action. This is what he is doing as the movie
begins. He hooks up one night with a young man who wants to model for him.
A photo shoot is followed with a nightcap of sex. A few days later, Manny
is approached by a sexy and sarcastic cop named Hamilton (Amir Darvish).
The two men have met before and Hamilton asks the artist to accompany him
to the station. It is there that Manny watches, in horror, the raw webcam
footage from Washingtondick.com and sees his model tied up and slashed by
an unknown assailant wearing a leather jacket. Hamilton is certain that
there is a connection between Manny and the killing, but also senses that
Manny's distress is genuine. Hamilton is also gay and wants to get this
hot number into the sack big time.Whether or not he likes it, Manny has
a new best pal. |
to backtrack for a minute. In one of the first scenes, Manny and his best
friend (and former lover), Maurice, are car-jacked. Maurice (Ben Green)
loses it and fights back, putting one of their attackers in the hospital
with a brain hemorrhage. It was during the subsequent police interview that
Hamilton first meets Manny. "Let's take a walk," Hamilton says and then
asks Manny a series of questions; some of them sexually charged. The two
men begin to flirt and step into an alley. Did I mention there is a lot
of hot sex in this movie? Hamilton is all over Manny, who pushes him away
but also keeps giving in to the hot cop's persistence. The clothes stay
on his time (other than shirts being pulled up) but these guys are on fire.
Afterwards, Manny plays hard to get and this is part of the fun of Open
Cam. There is a sexual tension between these two hunks that
permeates the rest of the film. Are they going to do it or what? The audience
is teased and kept waiting but the director follows Hitchcock's
golden rule. When you build suspense, you have to relieve it and when these
guys finally really do it... well, let's just say you won't need
any more porn for the rest of the week. On a more genteel note, there's
a terrific interlude, obviously inspired by Hitchcock's Vertigo,
where Manny and Hamilton share their first romantic kiss as the camera flies
around them in circles. |
far as thrillers go, this isn't Hitchcock, nor is it a gruesome psychological
mindfuck like Seven, but it's not bad. It manages to generate some
good suspense from time to time and the climax of the film actually gets
pretty scary. But, for the rest of its running length, it's an often amusing
film with a few dramatic peaks thrown in that really resonate. Perhaps the
reason that Open Cam, for the
most part, works as well as it does is because the film's denizens seem
real and actually have some depth, character development and backstories. |
more tender story involves Manny and his friend Maurice. Despite being ex-lovers,
the two remain friends but Maurice misses what they had before and would
like to see them in a relationship again. Green underplays Maurice very
well and embodies a part that could have been just a whiny queen into, instead,
one that actually inspires pity. There is a subtle scene where he tries
not to cry that is quite heartfelt. He is unable to understand why Manny
doesn't want to get involved with anyone and why Washingtondick.com is all
the connection his old beau can handle right now. It turns out that Manny
recently enjoyed a passionate two week relationship that changed his life
and then the guy suddenly stopped calling and answering messages. (We will
discover later that he, too, has been killed.) Not wanting to take a chance
on love right now, he pushes everyone away - including a frustrated Maurice
and a confused Hamilton. |
we learn, is recently out of the closet. When he comes onto Manny that first
time in the alley, he is still wearing a wedding ring. He tells Manny it's
stuck and he can't get it off his finger. We find out that his wife divorced
him and he has decided to try out his gay side a little. "A little?" Manny
asks. Even though Hamilton is Sam Spade on steroids, he is also, for all
his bravado and macho posing, a bit shy and has a lot to learn about being
gay. Amir Darvish, as Hamilton, dominates every scene in which he appears.
Besides his perfect stubble beard and hairy, chiseled chest, he is also
great comic relief. Whenever he questions one of Manny's friends (all are
suspects), it is borderline harassment. He is like Jerry Orbach on Law
& Order crossed with Peter Falk's annoying detective, Columbo. He really
angers Maurice with accusations of jealousy. Because Maurice was capable
of beating one of the would-be carjackers, Hamilton is convinced that Maurice
has something to do with the online killings. |
yes, the killings. Because each of the murder victims had sex with Manny,
he is a suspect too. He also discovers that he is being stalked by someone.
There is a really creepy moment when he is talking to a friend live on the
Washingtondick.com webcam. His friend sees a shadow behind Manny and asks
if he's alone because someone just went past his bedroom door. Soon afterwards,
Hamilton moves into Manny's apartment. All your boyfriends keep getting
killed, he explains, and says that he is the bait slash bodyguard. Watch
the sexual tension climb to new heights. |
is a likeable lead. His art can best be described as political agitprop
and he likes to ramble incoherently when he talks about it. There is a rather
funny scene at an art opening in which a whiny gay Republican tells Manny
that his work is crap. What I'm trying to say is that there is a lot going
on besides matters prurient and, despite all the eye candy, this film is
not porn with a plot. I liked most of the characters and the story
really grows on you as it unfolds. |
is a very polished indie film noir, well shot with lots of shadows from
window blinds across faces and walls. Director Gaston helmed another film,
that I wrote about last year, called 2
Minutes Later. This one was also a private eye caper, much
campier but also featuring a few scenes in flashback about the murdered
photographer that would have made a good film on its own. There is a talent
at work in both of these films even if it's a tad on the offbeat side.
As I wrote earlier, Open Cam
builds up to a pretty nifty (and believable) climax. The mood gets ruined
though when the director tacks on an epilogue that begins like a bad music
video with a real lame song, but then ends splendidly on a terrific scene
of reconciliation. Open Cam
is fun, it is sexy, it is sometimes touching, it is even suspenseful.
It can be enjoyed as a light thriller and as a beefcake fest. Maybe it's
a guilty pleasure but, if it is, it's a damned good one.
on Robert Gaston:
2 Minutes
Flight Of The Cardinal
